Oct 1, 2024
Recurring Event
For nearly 20 years now, Oxnard PAL has hosted some of the most prestigious amateur boxing events in the country.
In October of 2024, Oxnard PAL will bring a series of International Competitions to the West Coast, by hosting an International Boxing Exchange and the Inaugural National PAL International Boxing Tournament.
So far, the Police Community Clubs of Great Britain has committed to bringing 40 participants back to Oxnard, California for the first time since 2005 to compete against boxers not only from southern California but all across the country.
We are extending invitations and anticipating commitments from Honduras, Ireland and Mexico for this event. We are confident that this tournament will consist of well over 300 boxers ages 8-40 competing in both open and novice levels.
Bringing opportunities such as this reinforces Oxnard PAL’s commit to “showcasing today and tomorrow’s champions”.
Our aim for this event is to create a fair and positive experience for each participant and coach. PAL believes that athletics and mentorship are vital aspects of our organization's foundation and legacy. Sports competitions offer young men and women opportunities to develop their athletic abilities and learn critical teamwork and sportsmanship skills. When it comes to sportsmanship, the most important element is respect. It is crucial to respect the sport, officials and their decisions, as well as your coach's decisions and your opponent's effort and skill. Failure to demonstrate good sportsmanship is not respecting these aspects.
Stay Tunes on exact times.
Inaugural National PAL International Boxing Championships