Posted May 15, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Hits Hard at Oxnard’s Tourism Industry Following Strong 2019

New economic impact report highlights the importance of tourism to Oxnard.

Oxnard, CA –The coronavirus pandemic has hit hard at Oxnard’s tourism industry, which, according to Visit California’s latest economic impact report, was thriving in 2019.

The “California Travel Impacts” report, prepared for Visit California by Dean Runyan Associates, shows visitor spending reached $1.8 billion, a $33.8 million boost from 2018, and supported 17,050 jobs in Ventura County. Continued growth highlights how important tourism is to the region and California’s economy.

“Visit Oxnard and other destination marketing organizations around the State are integral to driving tourism to California and their own communities,” said Caroline Beteta, President & CEO of Visit California, the State’s tourism marketing non-profit organization. “Tourism will play a crucial role in accelerating the economic recovery of Oxnard, generating jobs and tax dollars that support the community’s way of life. Visitors to Oxnard generated $5.5 million in hotel taxes for the city last year, two-thirds more than in 2011.”

Visitor spending generated $5.5 million in transient occupancy tax last year, up from $3.3 million in 2011, providing a stream of revenue in Oxnard to fund the community’s way of life including support of essential programs, such as public safety, infrastructure and parks.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, Tourism Economics projects California will lose $72.1 billion in Statewide travel-related spending in 2020, nearly half of what was generated last year. The study also showed the pandemic will wipe out 613,000 California jobs by the end of May, more than half the tourism industry’s workforce.

Statewide, 2019 marked a record 10 years of travel-related economic growth for the State, further signaling the steady influence tourism has had on California’s economy for the past decade.

Visitors to California spent $144.9 billion in 2019, a 3.2 percent increase over 2018. The number of travel and tourism jobs increased to 1.2 million last year, an additional 13,000 jobs. Travel-generated tax revenue also grew for the 10th straight year, providing $12.2 billion to State and local governments, a 3.4 percent increase over 2018.

“The data show just how vital tourism is to the California economy and why it must be restored when we control and ultimately overcome this deadly outbreak,” said Caroline Beteta. “When that time arrives, we’ll be calling on Californians to become the main drivers of recovery by traveling in the state, shopping locally and visiting local restaurants, wineries and attractions. California has led the nation in its response to the health crisis, and it will lead the economic comeback.”

To ensure the tourism industry rebounds in Oxnard, Visit Oxnard is working with Visit California on initiatives to inspire community support and begin safe and responsible travel when it’s safe to do so. “The Visit Oxnard team is implementing a recovery strategy to help keep Oxnard top of mind for visitation when the time is right. We will be assisting in every way possible in the economic return of our City,” said Julie Mino, President & CEO of Visit Oxnard.

The release of the 2019 Travel Impact Report coincides with California Tourism Month, which occurs every May following a resolution enacted by the Legislature in 2016. This week, California also joins U.S. Travel in honoring the Spirit of Travel for National Travel and Tourism Week. The spirit of travel isn’t only found in far-off places. When residents embrace the spirit of travel by supporting local businesses and helping neighbors, they also play a key role in rebuilding their community, their state – and America.

About Visit Oxnard

Visit Oxnard is a non-profit organization designed to increase visitor expenditures through transient occupancy tax, and tourism revenue opportunities through the promotion of Oxnard as a premier travel destination. Oxnard is an easy drive up the coast from Los Angeles or from the northern portions of California. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy Oxnard’s uncrowded beaches, explore the many diverse attractions and outdoor adventures that are unique to the area. A wide variety of hotel accommodations are available ranging from mid-priced rooms to oceanfront and seaside settings. For more information, call 805-385-7545 or visit the website at

About Visit California
Visit California is a nonprofit organization with a mission to develop and maintain marketing programs – in partnership with the state’s travel industry – that keep California top-of-mind as a premier travel destination. For more information about Visit California and for a free California Official State Visitor’s Guide, go to For story ideas, media information, downloadable images, video and more, go to